Sarah’s ability to tune into one’s energetic field and sense dissonance is absolutely incredible. She is able to transmute massive energies whether from past traumas, emotions or lifetimes to bring one’s field back into resonance. She guides you with a compassionate and open heart to release what is no longer needed so that one returns to a state of harmony and balance. What an immense blessing it is to work with Sarah on a regular basis.
Robyn Ringgold
Our society encourages us to do everything on our own and I have learned that this should not be the case. Sarah is a true healer and is obviously doing what she was born to do. We can become so accustomed to the state that we’re in and sometimes there is a layer of joy just beyond us that only requires the most subtle shift to step into. I’m so grateful to know that I have Sarah as a support to effortlessly guide me through these hidden barriers to reach new potential. I have a full schedule and that fact that I can experience this kind of light and supportive healing from the comfort of my home is amazing. I believe that all of us can benefit deeply from Sarah’s incredible gift.
Deanna Lankin
The first time I met Sarah I knew we belonged! We have connected on a spiritual level that is hard to put into words. We have had several sessions together, every time I see Sarah I feel renewed, revived and reconnected to self. It is easy to lose sight of our path in this world and Sarah helps me to be who I am meant to be. She gives the courage to work on my journey and soul purpose in this life time. I will continue to have Sarah work on me and with me. I love how Sarah calms my soul and how authentic she is in her work and in life. Her passion explodes from her heart and comes through as pure love & energy.
Blessings to Sarah and all who take the time and pleasure to meet her.
In Love & Light
Val Simpson
I have suffered from depression for over 15 years, medications were no longer working for me. I was in a very dark place in life when I was introduced to Sarah. After my sessions with her my depression is gone. I am off all medications! Sarah's healing reaches your mind, body, soul. It is up to you to open your mind to miracles, I know Sarah was mine. Truly a gift to us all. I can't ever thank her enough. I feel like a whole new person. Lighter, brighter, full of love, life and so blessed. I can't recommend her enough. Thank you Sarah.
- Marion Thiel
9:00: Something building nothing else.
9:10: Awareness of world and all pain love
9:15: My breathing slowed and I began to feel pulsing..... Visions of Windows with sunshine came in.
9:20: An awareness of a scan if my physical then emotional/heart body. I was made to focus on all that physically pains me.
9:25: I am suggested to release to a higher power all my burdens. My body is chilled and all that spiritually, emotionally, and physically ails me is being taken away.
9:25: I am absorbing and allowing blue light and angelic love and joy.
9:30: My third eye and crown chakra are being aligned and re connected to pineal. The light now travels down to heart and root chakras I am being re infused with all that I have given away, in love and caring. Told I am now able to once again work my purpose/gift to help and service others in need of insight and spiritual connection. I'm now told to remember thy self and place myself higher Generosity will reap spiritual rewards. Suggested I repeat this attunement often.
9:33: My body is becoming warm again. The energies are moving out through feet.
9:37: Done other then feeling still touched and molded. I can still see the window where I must stand in the light to receive when I need.
- Lesley Hoffart
Tarot Reader & Psychic Consultant